Podcasts & Pistons

Jeremy Woods
2 min readAug 14, 2020

I penciled four 2x4x8 studs for the shelf. To mark the brace locations. I held a screw alongside the wood. It would only go through one stud. I couldn’t attach the braces to the corner studs.

I stared at the pile.

Give up?

I remembered the hardware store. Ten-minutes by bike.

My storage unit is in a building with no windows. There are fluorescent bulbs and rows of white metal awning doors.

I’ve packed my unit with mopeds, parts, snowblowers, and weed whackers.

I’m utilizing vertical space for two reasons. To walk around. And, I want an office area.

I’m a writer. Introvert. Tinkerer.

I set-up a writing nook in my apartment. For the freelance business I’m working on. While researching home office setups I had a thought.

It would be awesome, someday, to rent a garage.

One side for mopeds. The other for writing. Working with wrenches, wiring, and pistons are great for brainstorming.

An idea dawned on me. I don’t need to wait.

I’m learning the freelance writing business. With podcasts, videos, and reading. I edit on paper. I handwrite exercises. Brainstorm endlessly.

I can do that anywhere.

Florescent light and no windows aren’t ideal. My morning work will happen at home. Lots of sunshine.

The setup at the storage unit isn’t demanding. No printing. I have a chair. I’d like a desk. I can rebuild carburetors too.

I can bring books, pens, and paper. My afternoon work can happen anywhere.

Why not the storage unit?

